Pregnancy and gestational diabetes

Pregnancy and gestational diabetes

I saw your post for Anthony Robbins on his blog. Could you provide me more info on gestational diabetes. I am assuming I can start this diet today? I am pregnant. With my first pregnancy I had gestational diabetes for the last 4-5 weeks of the pregnancy. This time I think I already have it. I am thirsty all the time (a symptom I believe) and I have ballooned out in my first trimester.

Is there anything else I should know re pregnancy?

This is a diet that is especially important to do while pregnant. What you eat today will affect your future unborn child's health far into the future. Just be sure to take the proper amount of protein, that when pregnant is ~ 10 gms more/day than when not. Also, be sure to take the recommended supplements including (but not limited to) magnesium, potassium, a good fish oil (generally from a glass bottle), folic acid, and B12, and acetyl l carnitine. Followed properly, it will almost certainly keep your diabetes at bay.