Knowledge Base / Foods and drinks
43 articles in the Foods and drinks section in our Knowledge Base.
Tea, Coffee, Milk?
Are ‘sprouted’ grains ok?
Is there any restriction on veggies?
Good oils? is grapeseed an option?
How much protein should I be eating?
How much oil/fat can one eat a day?
Is there a calorie restriction on this diet?
What's the deal with peanuts? They look perfectly healthy to me
Are nuts an important food to eat? How many is appropriate?
Healthy fats – What about saturated fats?
Can I skip a meal if I am not hungry?
Feeling weak, what about whey protein?
Okay so we say don't eat those starchy carbohydrates. What is it that you can eat?
Milk. Raw, grass fed, humanely treated milk
Why no diet soda? and also reading labels?
Nuts, can too many be too much.
Can I replace milk with soy?
Glycemic index and fructose?
Pork. why do you chose not to eat it personally?
Canola Oil
Why do u recommend xylitol over Sucralose?
Omega-3 from seeds?
Nuts.. cashews VS. almonds. Peanuts?
Sweet potato and pumpkin
Rice bran oil, can I use it for cooking?
What is meant by vegetable protein powder?
Why prefer hard boiled eggs and discourages scrambled eggs?
So what is wrong with vegetable oils anyway?
coffee, caffeine, why not?