raw cocoa beans
how well do raw cocoa beans fit into the diet? i read they have a fairly high saturated fat content, but also high levels of magnesium, chromium and other nutrients.
please advise!
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Dr. Rosedale on 24 Jan, 2012 11:03 AM
They would be fine, if you like them.
2 Posted by apersona on 24 Jan, 2012 06:32 PM
they're not my favourite thing to eat (go well with nuts though ; ), but i heard they have extremely high levels of antioxidants for example, and were a high nutrient value food source.
would you recommend them on nutrition grounds, or would you say they don't particularly add anything to the diet which isn't covered elsewhere in the rosedale recommended list?
Support Staff 3 Posted by Fiona on 27 Jan, 2012 07:19 AM
If it fills you up and keeps you from eating something not so good ;-). Though, Dr. Ron would not be eating them for their antioxidants, but that is a much longer deeper answer, probably one for a great blog post. So, in short, if you like them then go for it, but Dr. Ron would not be describing them as a super food 'must have'.