Fat vs Sugar

oj1888's Avatar


05 Feb, 2014 09:30 AM

Hopefully this email will be able to reach Dr Rosedale, or someone who can
accurately answer my question.

Dr Rosedale, I've heard your opinions on quite a few podcasts now, and your
comments make a lot of sense to me re: leptin feedback loop
and accumulation of body fat. I was blown away by your podcast on Jimmy
Moore's show, and also checked out your appearance on Jonathan Bailor's
podcast. Incredibly enlightening.

Anyway - the main reason I'm contacting you is for your opinion on a TV
show that aired in the UK called "Fat vs Sugar".


(Hopefully you'll be able to see the show in the US)

The crux of the show was to supposedly answer the "hottest question in
nutrition - which is worse for you, Fat or Sugar".

The premise of the show was this.

A pair of twins, both doctors, adopt two different nutritional lifestyles.
One was on a carb heavy diet, the other on a fat heavy diet.

One was on, high sugar diet, bread, bagels, pasta, rice potatoes, any
breakfast cereals, and as much fruit or veg as they wanted.

The other, cheese, meat, steak, double cream - no fruit, and very little

Seems crazy right?
But this show has been spoken about, a lot, in my workplace, with me being
the resident nutrition nut in the firing line, as I have recently adopted a
lifestyle similar to that which you advocate - ie lowish carbs, no
grains, plenty of wholefoods

Unfortunately, they didn't go into the absolute detail of what they had
eaten - the show was only an hour long, so limited time.

But, something very interesting was raised at the end of the show when they
were wrapping up.

The twin who had been on the allegedly high fat diet (though it did also
look suspiciously like a high protein diet - ie lots of eggs, bacon,
sausages etc) ended up with numbers suggesting an inclination to insulin
resistance - in spite of the change in diet. In fact

Obviously, he is only one person - but, what would produce this effect, and
if it is potentially problematic for someone who is eating few carbs anyway?

Any ideas?

Best Regards, and keep up the good work.


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fiona on 05 Feb, 2014 08:39 PM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Dear Owen,

    Dr. Ron does get all of these messages as well but he is traveling internationally right now and just not able to respond to all the emails and pressing concerns always needing his attention. Too bad the link said it was only for the UK residents only. So, I can only speak from other studies that were done where they just you suggested were eating far too much protein which raises mTOR and sugars etc. Also using terrible oil like corn oil, peanut oil, all the oils that only raise inflammation. It would have been nice to see a list of the foods and quantities they were eating. In the 6 years I have been worthing with Dr. Ron and then going through his files from almost 30 years of patients when they follow his diet we have only seen insulin, leptin all come in to wonderful healthier numbers.

    There is a LOT of money at stake to keep these type of programs under wraps. We spent a few years back and forth in India and began working with a large hospital chain and preparing a clinical trail that would compare the different diets and protocals. We were reassured at the start of the journey that the hospital chain was not funded in anyway by pharma, and instead backed by an insurance company. This was a perfect equation for the truth about health to be told. We worked so hard, we wanted to worst diabetics, cardiac patients not the easiest. 6 months into it and still trying to get approval they asked directly for us to change our protocol as to 'maintain' the patients drugs, we said no.. this is the point, they will not need their drugs and it is the drugs that are causing other major issues. We knew, 'maintain their drugs' it code for pharma funding. They closed the whole program and trials down and the only program or studies they would allow would be ones that would maintain the patients medications.

    The American Diabetes Society, you can see all of their 'help' and literature is to 'maintain' a person illness not reverse it. They are funded by pharma to tell the story that type II diabetes is not reversible. Pharma has billions of dollars at stake and will do what ever it takes to make sure the story that feeds their profits stay in tact. People like Dr. Ron, or Dr. Mercola and others don't have the massive deep pockets to fight and promote the truth as the truth is getting people healthy and telling a person what to eat is not profitable though it is 100% in keeping with the oath they all took. "First, do no harm".

    So glad to hear from people like you Owen, as the only way that people can learn the truth is by all of us holding hands and from the ground up making a difference in peoples lives.

    Dr. Ron has tirelessly over and over proven the science and more and more studies are finally coming out that support what he has been saying for almost 30 years.

    I would love to make our discussion public so others can learn and chime in, your email will always remain private. Let me know if approve me to do that.

    Many thanks

  2. 2 Posted by oj1888 on 06 Feb, 2014 10:11 AM

    oj1888's Avatar

    Thanks ever so much for the response.
    Of course you can share the discussion - I don't have a problem with that
    at all.
    In fact I didn't realise there was potential for discussion on the website
    - I'll need to take a look.


  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fiona on 06 Feb, 2014 10:02 PM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Thanks Owen,

    About 50% of our questions are public, you can search through them and also add your own comments. Ken is a great support after he himself turned his life around on the Rosedale Program and has been a tremendous help answering many of the public questions for us. Hoping the two of you will bump in to one another here ;-).

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