Rosedale Diet -The Early family
Dear Dr. Rosedale,
My name is Diane Early, and I have four young children, ages ten to four, three girls and one son. We have spent the last six years struggling to figure out the reason for and the solution to our overwhelming health challenges - with limited success - until I came across your work. Andre Chimene told me about you and I was so moved by your results with his wife, Beau, that I ordered your book and tried to implement your strategies that day-based on Andre's explanations over the phone-before it even arrived. Your work has been life changing for us. You need to write another book SOON, sir.
There are so many families like ours, floundering, and being given no information, or the wrong information, to heal themselves and the next generation before it's too late. Only your book and the work of another researcher, Dr. Datis Kharrazian (Why Am I Still Having Thyroid Symptoms When All My Labs Are Normal?) gave me any clue as to what was actually going wrong in this family and each of its members to varying degrees.
Your research has changed entirely the trajectory of our approach to diet and lifestyle, and given us the only real hope we have felt in years.
We are far from home free yet because we don't know how to find a doctor who can support the changes we have made, based on your research, with the right tests and nutritional supports to make your ideas work as well as they could. WHY DO DOCTORS ACT LIKE IT IS CRAZY TO ASK FOR THE BLOODWORK YOU RECOMMEND OR THE DIET CHANGES YOUR RESEARCH
I didn't even know there was a rash around the neck that was a clinical sign of severe insulin resistance until a doctor explained what he was looking for during a visit to establish whether or not I had type two diabetes (I don't) but my son has that rash and my six year old is already starting to balloon because of the harm grains and sugar have done to her metabolism. My son and four year old daughter are the opposites...thin as rails who cannot put on weight and have fragile immune systems as a result.
For years I thought I was feeding a healthy diet. Organic this and that, all the wrong oils in all the nicest labels. My whole family is a casualty as great marketing at Whole Foods and terrible advice on diet and nutrition.
Hopefully it is not too late for the Early family.
Our biggest challenge is finding a physician to help me navigate this healing son has been fighting for his life for a few years now without much significant improvement until I read your book. NIH has helped a little, two of the best pediatric neurologists in the country helped a lot...and nothing has like your research.
Imagine my horror, after reading your book and talking to Andre, to realize that the Georgetown neurologist fed goldfish, red Popsicles, and crackers to Matt while giving him the IVIG TREATMENT meant to heal his PANDAS low Igg immune def.
He does not have a primary immune deficiency or genetic celiac disease. He has been atypical for every label ever given to him...severe regressive autism, then he improved, lost that label and was PANDAS and Tourette's-atypical. Now he has been referred to Duke to see if he had Landau Kleffner Syndrome.
That is when Andre stepped in and talked about your research since the ketogenic diet is a strategy for seizure disorders. We have not established that he is even having them. We have realized that putting him on sauerkraut, protein shakes with green veggies, No no no sugar, far less protein (he was always ravenous for it to the exclusion of almost all other foods. We tried the Scd diet and it was not possible for us...way too high protein and honey.
After reading your book, I am sure it actually created some issues as much good fats as we can is changing things. He has vitamin and mineral deficiencies without a doubt and he has the insulin resistance rash. His blood sugar as far as I know is stable though...especially since the diet changes.
We are already seeing gains in language, balance, the involuntary movements are less, but he cannot put on any weight and he has no strength, focus, or memory for most things. We gave lots of OCD and he acts like someone with Alzheimer's. He has at eight all these symptoms of old man illnesses. I will do anything and go anywhere to be as instrumental in his recovery as I was in him falling prey to the new childhood there anyone at DUKE who understands your work and can support Matts full recovery?
EVERYONE in the family is impacted by insulin challenges manifesting in Terra at ten as hormonal stuff and weight issues despite a very clean, low carb, high fat, very low sugar diet. Emma is on a fast track to type two diabetes as she was my big crag love with starches and grains and very adverse to all protein except steak, hamburger, and salmon. She has an enormous sugar tooth which I am doing everything in my power, and against the whole culture at school and in our community, to curtail.
ITS EVERYWHERE. Cate and Matt have metabolic issues...are both thin, with poor immune function, and not very strong despite eating sauerkraut, fish, sardines, berries, apples with nut butter for snacks, pear...a green smoothies if kale spinach and water. Arrrgggh. Once the metabolism is so injured, can it be recovered in kids Dr. Rosedale?
There are so many families out there like my own right now who really need another book from you...and a better picture of how to help heal whole families. Your research has meant miraculous healing for my son, age 8, so far. If I could find a good doctor who understood how to support him and his metabolism properly I believe he could actually recover, based on what we have seen in just two weeks, and on just the food changes.
Matt rides a bike without training wheels. He can walk and run again and jump on a trampoline. He tires easily and frustrates quickly. He has terrible fine motor skills, usually the case with the Pandas kids it seems. He can talk. He shows empathy and can read people's emotions and express his own...not consistently yet, but he is improving rapidly on the changes I have made since reading your book.
Please write another book, and if you want a case study of the whole family impact of ignoring your research or being unaware of it...well, we are it.
Diane Early
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Fiona on 24 Jan, 2014 02:04 AM
Dear Diane,
Thank you so very much for your letter. Dr. Ron is currently traveling and out of the country but he does get all of these messages and they feed his soul to know his tireless work is making a difference. I would love to make your message public so others can ready and learn from your story, your email will always remain private. Please let me know that you are ok with this. Andre and his family is amazing, and we both remember very well her journey, her success baffled everyone at the California hospital. Emergency care in this country is amazing, it is the after care and the on going care that is killing people.
2 Posted by diane sykes on 27 Jan, 2014 04:17 PM
I am fine with you reprinting this email if you will allow me to edit all the typos. If others are going to see it, I am embarrassed as I wrote it quickly and did not spell or grammar check it before hitting send. We are doing just ok based on the info in the book at this time....which is so frustrating. Some of what Andre suggested seems to conflict with the information in the book, so there is confusion.
The girls are doing ok, but Matt is still limping. We have gone from a diagnosis of severe regressive autism to a boy who speaks, can ride a bike without training wheels, and no longer needs speech or OT for gross motor. His fine motor is still terrible, and he is skin and bones and unable to put on weight or move his bowels properly without the assist of enemas.
I hired a nurse specialist and CHT who works with cancer patients to come and show me how to do them, and that is how I keep him moving right now. He is willing to eat the "fat Bombs" Andre recs, so he is getting several tsp of coconut oil a day this way. His other foods are a no sugar, no soy, vegan protein shake in the AM with some kale, and other greens, a tbs of olive oil and a tsp of ground flax in it - sometimes with the tiniest bit of pear to improve the flavor. He gets salmon or chicken for dinner and veggies - Brussel sprouts, asparagus, peas, romaine lettuce drenched in olive oil with a sprinkle of sea salt, or zucchini and yellow squash cooked in the same. he is drinking water, and veggies blended with water and sweetened with pear. He gets almond butter on celery as a treat with enzymes, and the only sweets at this time are almond flour cookies sweetened with swerve.
The insulin and leptin resistance is so bad for Matt, that I think we will never heal him without educated support - and nobody thinks like or treats in the manner of Dr. Rosedale. We are so sad about this. We will keep plugging along. Other families with our (former) diagnosis/label have kids who cannot even speak or find themselves in space and I know we are blessed. He often slips into Alzheimer-like dazes though, and he has the challenges one associates with old age.
Our family might make an interesting case for his next book if he would be willing to apply himself to our situation. I have known Andre for twenty years, and my kids are so so lovely....if Dr Rosedale will consider helping us, I will gladly sign releases etc saying that he can use our lab work and our story in his next book to illustrate the role that leptin and insulin resistance plays in "a typical autism" "a typical PANDAS/PANS - which Swedo is studying at NIH currently, and is the new comer in terms of childhood epidemics, and "a typical Tourettes" or "possible Landua-Kleffner Syndrome".....MATT HAS HAD ALL THE ABOVE LABELS, and been seen by very specialized care. He has been given IVIG for PANDAS and a bowl of goldfish to snack on during the procedure. Really. Just based on the changes in Matt so far, and without any help or supplementation, several other moms are embarking on a keto/Rosedale approach to getting their kids back.
Thanks for caring. I see the possibilities for Matt with Dr. Rosedale's knowledge, but I am really worried that I don't know what I am doing. I am currently getting Matt's thyroid, leptin, insulin, and other labs done. All of it out of pocket because his PCP won't cover "unnecessary" blood work for "a boy like Matt".
Once you have that A label you are as good as dead at this time...even when there are obvious changes and improvements on medicines and even when he HAS THE INSULIN RESISTANCE RASH.
My regards to the good doctor We remain grateful for his first book, but wish that he already had another out and that he was taking patients. Matt is such a sweet kid, and we are currently pushing a boulder up a mountain on this end. He turns nine at the end of August. I will pray that the coming year is HIS big one for the kind of healing Beau had once the proper case management was in place. Take care, Fiona. Let me know if you want me to rewrite the original post, and then you can print it with my blessing.
3 Posted by diane sykes on 05 Feb, 2014 07:42 PM
I never heard from can post my comments. I just wanted the typos edited if that's ok as I wrote too quickly the first go around.
I spoke with Andre and tweaked what i was doing/trying with sick for SIX YEARS little anorexic guy ate a steamed kale shake w c oil in it for brkfst. Sardines and chicken broth for lunch..weird I know. And romaine leaves drenched in olive oil w sea salt for a snack...fingers crossed, hands pressed, praying for recovery. All the best, Fiona, and thank the good doctor for all his research. Cheers. Diane...mum to Terra, Matt, Emma, and Cate
Support Staff 4 Posted by Fiona on 05 Feb, 2014 08:02 PM
Keep up the great work! I read through and checked and there was only some abbreviated words I completed. Should I email the full message back to you so you can make any changes? I feel it is just perfect the way it is, like you are just talking with the reader. There might be other families in your shoes and hearing your words will be such a blessing for them.
5 Posted by diane sykes on 06 Feb, 2014 02:50 AM
Bless away. Dr Rosedale is blessing a very very sick little boy...utterly abandoned by the system. There is a whole group of moms out there now all, over the country, communicating via Facebook, that are trying his diet to reverse autism. There are dozens in the group. I will let you know how it goes. As of today my son ate a steamed kale smoothie with two soft boiled egg yolks in it and c oil, sardines, salmon for dinner w some Bok Choy sautéed in c oil w garlic and ginger. He snacks on celery w almond butter or cucumbers and hummus or romaine leaves with olive oil and Celtic sea salt. There are gains in language each day. He is a mess in the am, and so much more lucid and with it at night. He wants salt by the small handful...haven't figured that out yet. He remains skin and bones with the severe insulin resistance rash that his pediatrician thinks nothing's so crazy. He has been eating The arose dale way for less than three weeks now, so I will keep you posted. I had gestational diabetes, insulin...and I wish I was smart enough to figure out how to reverse the damage this created for Matt...seeing where the food can take us for now.
Support Staff 6 Posted by Fiona on 06 Feb, 2014 10:16 PM
That is so wonderful! I just love technology as it brings together like people so we can all learn and grow quicker from others experiences. Another wonderful doctor, Dr Klinghardt talks a lot about autism is Clearly the diet is first and foremost but then also reducing expo sire to other factors like EMF's best you can has shown great success as well. Keep us posted with you progress.