
ED's Avatar


10 Jan, 2014 05:14 PM

I have type II diabetes and have told doctor's if my readings are between
100 to say 175
that I am ok. They insist on prescribing more drugs. I don't want them and
believe that
diet and exercise are the key and refuse to take medications that
contribute to weight gain.

So, I need to find a doctor in the Tulsa, OK area that is willing to work
with me without just
prescribing a bunch of medicine to lower my blood sugar without helping me
get to the
root of the problem which I believe is better diet and exercise and less or
no drugs at all
being the best solution. It seems to me the side effects of the drugs are
more invasive
than type II diabetes. For instance if my blood sugar remains high for a
while, I just drink water and
stay away from all forms of sugar for couple of days and it goes down, that
tells me
that I should be able to control my condition with diet and exercise, yet
no one is willing
to take me seriously and help me in this way. It seems it is just a matter
of prescribing
medication and taking the insurance money is all that they are really
interested in and
are either too ignorant or simply just want to get me out of the office. I
have not had
one appointment with a nutritionist or any good counseling on diet in the
many visits
that I have had or non have recommended any good conditioning program. They
seem to want to prescribe meds and get you out of their office. I don't
think that is
a good way to treat this disease and know there are better solutions out
Do you know anyone in the Northeast Oklahoma area that treats Diabetes


"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the
inside of a man."
Winston Churchill

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fiona on 13 Jan, 2014 09:25 PM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Dear ED.

    You have a fantastic question and we would love to have others learn from the answer as well. Would you mind we make it public, while always maintaining your email as private? Private questions the wait it about 10 days to respond to but public questions always take priority and get answered in about 24 hours.

  2. 2 Posted by ED on 14 Jan, 2014 02:21 PM

    ED's Avatar

    You can use it publicly but please take out my name at the bottom.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fiona on 14 Jan, 2014 06:32 PM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Great. I will also need to take out your last name from the header, which I do not have access to but will try work around that.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Ken on 15 Jan, 2014 03:36 AM

    Ken's Avatar

    Greetings Ed

    I am glad that you have come across Dr. Ron's Health Plan - I did in June 2012 and my life has forever changed. My health was going down the tubes, "if you will". The many drugs that were kept being giving me was not helping.

    My type2 was getting worse along with other problems. I can not make a promise that you will be able to get off your diabetic meds as I did and that was within the first 3 weeks; I hope that you can.

    I do encourage you to give Dr. Ron's plan a try - I believe you will be amazed. Get his book - you will find many answers in it.

    I will make this a matter of prayer in your behalf ...


  5. 5 Posted by Gunnar on 16 Jan, 2014 12:00 PM

    Gunnar's Avatar

    You are on the right track. I got rid of my Diabetes and have perfekt blood sugar levels like a young well trained person.

    First of all it's the diet. Excercise is not that important but when your health improves you will notice that you will feel an urge to excersise. Excersise is another step but not the first. Overweight people may hurt their joints with to much excersise.

    Look in the supplement section in "The Rosedale Diet" pages 140-141 and read about Alpha Lipoic Acid. It improves insulin sensitivity and lowers blood sugar levels and also reverses neuropathy for diabetics. You might want to consider taking that supplement.

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