Duck, Venison, Goat Cheese, Goat Butter
Hi, I'm looking at your basic list of foods to eat/not eat. Is Venison acceptable in the first 3 weeks on your program? Is duck acceptable after the first three weeks, or is it not acceptable at all?
Also, I'm allergic to cow's milk/cheese/yogurt/butter. If it comes out of a cow's udder, it gives me a migraine. I do better with goat's milk. So how do you feel about goat milk products, including goat butter (if I can find it here) and goat cheeses?
Thanks very much,
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Fiona on 07 Jan, 2014 10:21 PM
Hi Lori
goat cheeses and butter would be great. The duck and venison are both good as well. The only reason to hold back on the darker meats for the first few weeks is only that most people take a few weeks to be come a fat burner, and the darker meats are harder to burner for a non fat burner. When I first converted I cheated and had a little of the heavier cheeses and it still went really well. So, all in moderation.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Dr. Rosedale on 08 Jan, 2014 08:05 PM
As far as duck and venison; those should be fine as long as the protein is counted. There is a fair amount of fat in duck skin but it would be a combination of saturated and some monounsaturated. The venison is generally low in fat and is mostly a protein source.