Product review for Rosedale Diet

Matt's Avatar


02 Dec, 2013 07:54 PM


I would like to know if the following are good for the Rosedale diet or not.

  1. Food for life bread, ie. Ezekiel 4:9 bread.
  2. Youngevity vitamins
  3. Manna tech Glyco nutrients
  4. Blue diamond Nut thins
  5. ASEA
  6. Agave Syrup


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Ken on 02 Dec, 2013 09:08 PM

    Ken's Avatar

    Greetings Matt

    The following may be of help ....

    Check Under Nutritional Recommendations

    Sweetners - Most are terrible for you. Agave, contrary to what you may have heard is one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat. Aspartame, saccharin, nutri-sweet, etc should also be avoided. Stevia, xylitol and erythritol are permissible in moderation, but may increase your craving for sugar.


    Ken Smith, Farmington, Mo. USA

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