Glutathione regiment boosting with supplements.

Gunnar's Avatar


Nov 30, 2013 @ 02:10 PM

I have since 8 months been on a lowcarb diet called LCHF that is in every respect identical to The Rosedale diet. The results are very satisfying with a weight loss of 16 kg but more importat, my T2 Prediabetes is completly gone. Also my muscle problems from statins are also gone. My liver test have also normalized and everything happend after only 5 months so I am very pleased with the results. I will never ever touch statins any more.

I have been taking the following supplements. One multivitamin, 250 mg Magnesium and 4000 IE D-vitamin.

To boost my Glutathione levels I have also been taking 1000 mg of C vitamin, 400 mg Alpha Lipoic acid and 800 mg MSM. It was after just more than one month on this supplements that every problem in my body was gone completly. My doctor was very happy about the results and mostly that my liver had normalized. He is a specialist in liver diseases.

I am 60 years old and feel like I am about 30 years of age. Nice and good temper with strong muscles. My brain functions very well and I have a much better working memory.

Now I am going to stop using MSM and Alpha lipoic acid since I believe that after 4 months they have done it's thing with me. I believe that I should continue with these two supplements in the future but not every day. What would be a good regiment for a 60 year old man to use this supplements in the future? One week every month or every other month?

I will of course continue with D-vitamin, magnesium, C-vitamin and a mulivitamin. It's my gut feeling that they should be almost enough for the future since I am in such good shape, Periodical supplements with Lipoic acid and MSM is perhaps needed. Any advice would be much appreciated.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Ken on Nov 30, 2013 @ 04:47 PM

    Ken's Avatar

    Greetings Gunnar

    Congrats with the improved health results.


    ~ Just a comment ~

    I personally have used Dr. Ron's "plus plan" from his book since June 2012 and have had tremendous results, some very similar to what you have had.


    May your health continue to improve in all areas and that you will have many more years.

    Ken Smith, Farmington, Mo. USA

  2. 2 Posted by Gunnar on Dec 01, 2013 @ 12:14 AM

    Gunnar's Avatar

    Ken, are you still using the plus plan today?

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Ken on Dec 02, 2013 @ 09:26 PM

    Ken's Avatar

    Hi Gunnar

    Yes I am Gunnar - plus I use Benfotiamine, B-100 and Vit D-3 as well

    I am off ALL meds and diabetes injection - I will be 64 next month but physically feel as good as I did in my 30's.

    Ken Smith, Farmington, Mo. USA

  4. 4 Posted by adriana.teltsch... on Dec 03, 2013 @ 06:10 AM

    adriana.teltscher's Avatar

    Hi Gunnar, hi Ken,
    it's very encouraging and motivating to hear about your great results with the Rosedale diet. Gunnar, judging from your name and you talking about LCHF, are you Swedish? I heard the Swedes are really going strong on Low Carb/High Fat/ Moderate Protein living - while here in Germany this isn't much of a topic... Ken, being such a big fan of Dr. Rosedale, you should start a Facebook group, would be great for support and exchange... :)
    Greetings from Germany,

  5. 5 Posted by Gunnar on Dec 03, 2013 @ 03:18 PM

    Gunnar's Avatar

    Yes Adriana, I am from Sweden and LCHF (Low Carb Hifg Fat). Now moderate protein is stressed more so that diet is in all respect identical to the Rosedale diet. In Sweden this diet is growing and growing among people with metabolic syndrome and Diabetes. Big Pharma here is very worried since Diabetes medication is free in our country and generates lots of revenue.

    The only supplements that are discussed among people using LCHF in Sweden is D-vitamin (2000 - 5000 IU) and magnesium. I got the book "The Rosedale Diet" after 3 months on this low carb diet and found some very interesting supplements such as Alpha Lipoic Acid. When I researched Glutathione and found that a good combination would be C-vitamin, Alpha Lipoic Acid and MSM. Now after 4 months I will drop MSM soon and keep on with ALA and vitamin C to keep my good health. I don't think I need to overdo the Glutathione thing in the future.

    It's just amazing how good I feel and since I now almost never get hungry, my Insulin and Leptin signaling seems to work just perfect. My insulin resistance has simply disappeard, I noticed during a few weeks after a one month weight plataeu that I simply dropped 2 kg each week during 2 weeks. It was almost scary until I tested the fasting glucose and found my livers insulin resistance was gone.

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Ken on Dec 03, 2013 @ 05:00 PM

    Ken's Avatar

    Greetings 2 U Adriana

    I am indeed a big fan of Dr. Ron's Health Plan, but not so much of Facebook - I have been thinking about starting my own blog, maybe in the near future I will go that route.

    Spent some time in Mannheim during the 60's while in military - Beautiful Country & Wonderful Food.

    Ken Smith, Farmington, Mo. USA

  7. 7 Posted by Gunnar on Dec 03, 2013 @ 06:30 PM

    Gunnar's Avatar

    Ken, thank you for your information and I am happy to learn that you now aare off all medications.

  8. Support Staff 8 Posted by Ken on Dec 03, 2013 @ 09:21 PM

    Ken's Avatar

    You are welcome Gunnar - I try to help as much as I can but at times I sure feel like a fish out of water. This stuff is all new to me and I have a lot of learning ahead of me.

    Those meds were slowly killing me and I knew it. The BP meds I had been on for 25 years and BP never was under control. I just took them and really didn't question the docs any but I sure do now.

    It will be a year this coming Feb for the 6 BP meds, sure do feel much better and no problem with BP.

  9. 9 Posted by John Theobald on Apr 15, 2014 @ 02:26 AM

    John Theobald's Avatar

    You can increase glutathione by eating non denatured whey protein which is an approved protein source within the Rosedale Diet limits. Considered one of the best ways as supplement for glutathione are destroyed by the digestion. Whey whey works by providing the underlying nutrients. Lots of research.

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