Rosedale Diet

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22 Nov, 2013 12:01 AM

  • Why isn't the Rosedale diet more famous?

I have been on the Rosedale Diet for a month now and have been amazed at how fast my fasting glucose has fallen. I have been looking for over two years for a solution to my Type 2 diabetes, and finally believe that I have found it.

Why isn't this diet in use by everyone? There are people who are in real trouble with diabetes who could benefit from this information.

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Ken on 22 Nov, 2013 04:09 AM

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    I have watched people, loose limbs, have strokes, die from diabetes. I have talked to grieving love ones. I have watched doctors, nurses and other healthcare people give bad advice.

    Appears that some are not ready to accept that there is a healthier life to be had - the general public has been taught a falsehood for many many years - some seek a magic pill, etc. I believe there are some that do not want to know the real truth.

    Then there are those that are trapped in fear - THEN there are those that money has blinded, lots of money is made pushing drugs.

    It would be easy for Dr. Ron to throw in the towel, cater to the offer of big money but so far he keeps plugging away. I see so many wanting a healthier life but not convinced that it is attainable.

    I have friends and family tell me, "I wish I could be healthier" but struggle against falsehoods that have established, even though they can see first hand what Dr. Ron's plan has done for me.

    Like you I ask, "Why isn't this diet in use by everyone?"

    Ken Smith, Farmington, Mo. USA

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Fiona on 25 Nov, 2013 08:56 PM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Thank you Ken, all so very true. The diet does not 'make money' for anyone, it does save life's. Healthcare is a business, it has to make money first then save life's. Thank goodness that Dr. Ron took his oath to heart and have fought for each patient along the way and now continues to do all he can to get the information out to those who are ready to listen. That said, Dr. Ron is a big supporter of emergency care, ER do an amazing job at saving your life right this minute. It is the aftercare that will kill you!

    Regarding the diet program, tt is amazing as nothing has really changed with the recommendations, with so much more research and studies out it is only supporting what Dr. Ron has been saying for 30 years. There is some new research on mTOR which is regulated by protein, which is the only thing Dr. Ron has people count as high protein will raise mTOR and you want to keep it lower. So again, all the research is only supporting the same recommendations. It is rooted deep in science, that just does not change. The only other changes would be there are now better choices for sweeteners like Stevia, and with the change in our awareness of metal toxins in fish one should pick a deep water wild fish over other options.

    Thanks Ken!

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