Supplements for diabetics

Kle's Avatar


17 Nov, 2013 10:39 PM


I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 in March but I also need to loose a lot of weight. Since the book of dr. Rosedale ispretty old and there have been made more researches on few supplements, I am in doubt which one to use.

I have too high cortisol so I cancelled pregnolone from the list. What about the others?
At this moment I am taking Magnesium, Potassium, multivitamin Daily two caps of Twinlab and Vitamine C. I would like to add other supplements too since I feel quite weak and my body recovering from my bad habits.

Do you have the chance to ask dr. Rosedale what to do in this case and if I can lead all the Supplement Plan Plus as described in the book?

Thanks in advance

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Ken on 21 Nov, 2013 04:17 PM

    Ken's Avatar

    Hi pazzamentefelice
    It is true, Dr. Ron's book was written some time ago, however, I believe that the foundation he has built for a healthier life contained in the guidelines are timeless. It is my understanding that he is working on new research but I don't think it will contradict any information that he has already published, it will only enhance his prior work.

    I too was diagnosed with diabetes T2, high blood pressure, was having liver, heart and breathing problems along with being about a hundred pounds overweight.

    I have chosen to follow the Plus Plan that is described in his book and have done so for a year and a half now.

    I have had tremendous results since I have been using Dr. Ron's plan for a healthier life.

    I don't understand enough about the relationship between hi cortisol & the use of pregnolone. Perhaps Fiona or Dr. Ron will be able to comment on this.

    Magnesium, Potassium are important supplements; along with vitamins that are recommended by Dr. Ron. But the diet of low carb , moderate protein, high good fat, according to my understanding, is the cornerstone in attaining a healthier life.

    Wishing you the best in your quest for a healthier life...
    Ken Smith, Farmington, Mo. USA

  2. 2 Posted by Kle on 21 Nov, 2013 10:43 PM

    Kle's Avatar

    Dear Ken,

    I've red your story on the FB page and I really hope to become like you one day. Thanks for your support!

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Fiona on 25 Nov, 2013 08:58 PM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Dear pazzamentefelice, Ken, Dr. Rosedale and myself, Fiona and my guess all your friends and family are all rooting for you!

  4. 4 Posted by Kle on 25 Nov, 2013 10:10 PM

    Kle's Avatar

    Dear Fiona,

    thank you so much really for your support! I am doing my best and believe me, if I managed to loose all my weight and to arrive to a state where I will not need diabetic meds anymore, this would really be a miracle! Thanks again!

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Dr. Rosedale on 26 Nov, 2013 01:33 AM

    Dr. Rosedale's Avatar

    There are some diabetic drugs that will make you put on weight.

  6. 6 Posted by Kle on 26 Nov, 2013 01:44 AM

    Kle's Avatar

    Dear dr. Rosedale,

    what an honor to have your reply. I am actually taking the meds metformin hydrochloride , 850 mg twice a day and also meds for high blood pressure. I had some issues with fatty liver too.

    The diabetic meds don't seem to make me gain weight.

    Anyway, I am at my day 13 and have lot already 22 pounds at the moment. I am still feeling tired cause I actually cannot digest the vegetables and the stool is full of water. Started taking some psyllium but doesn't help much. I am using now the organic coal and it helps. Will this period last long?

    Thank you so much for your help and your book. Unfortunately where I am from, your diet is not known (Slovenia) but when I succeed I hope to make a community and showing the results that your diet allowed me to achieve.



  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by Fiona on 26 Nov, 2013 01:51 AM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Welcome Kle from Slovenia!

    Metformin is the only diabetic drug that Dr. Ron finds acceptable. Make sure it is only metformin as in the USA and India we found they mix Metformin with another drug sometimes. Also make sure you are taking magnesium and Potassium will help a lot with the tiredness as Ken mentioned.

    Keep us all posted on your progress.

  8. 8 Posted by Kle on 26 Nov, 2013 01:57 AM

    Kle's Avatar

    Dear Fiona,

    I am already taking Vit C, Potassium, Magnesium, Multivitamin and Cod liver oil and I just ordered the other supplements from the supplement plan Plus but I wasn't sure about Pregnenolone cause I have always too high cortisol level (since I was 12 years old.. I was told I am too stressed and nothing came out of all the exams I did).

    I also suffer of diarrhea and I cannot take too much magnesium.

    I've checked and my meds contains also sorbitol E420, magnesium stearic and on the outer part of the pill: hipromelose, macrogol 400, E171. On 850 mg of metformin there is 17 mg of sorbitol. Is good anyway?

    Thanks for your help,

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