Fat - subcutaneous fat
* Need to regain some subcutaneous fat
Starting about a year and a half ago I lost a fair bit of weight on a low carb, high fat, no grains regime and I am doing very well. My weight has now been stable for over 9 months at 70 to 71 kg (about 155 lbs). For my age (69 yrs.) I am quite active with many alpine hikes done in Switzerland, my home this year. Problem for me is I am now sitting on the bones of my bottom with, so to speak, virtually no cushioning. Will the normal subcutaneous fat slowly return without having to increase my carbs intake to to point where the old food cravings return?
~ John
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Ken on 10 Oct, 2013 01:13 PM
Greetings John
Great question, I am waiting to see what takes place for me as well. I could be mistaken but it seems that perhaps when my body settles in more some things will normalize, such as the subcutaneous fat area. It does make for some hard sitting. I also have loose skin but nothing huge - I expected it would since I was losing a lot of weight in a short period of time. My body is still going through many adjustments and it will be interesting to see what has taken place in the next 3 to 5 years.
I would imagine Dr. Ron has encountered things of this nature before and hopefully when he has some free time he will comment.
Wishing you the best of health..
Ken Smith Farmington, Mo. USA
Support Staff 2 Posted by Dr. Rosedale on 26 Nov, 2013 01:31 AM
You should eat more fat, not carbs. The carbs will raise leptin and ultimately put the fat viscerally rather than subcutaneous. Eating fat will put it more subcutaneously.
Thank you Ken for your amazing support it helps us so much!
3 Posted by John Martin on 26 Nov, 2013 06:38 AM
Thanks for the reply. That is more or less what I have been doing. Whatever carbs I do eat is as non-grain vegetables and at a sufficiently low quantity to keep cravings away. That said, there is some residual conflict between various parts of my mind. The years of anti-fat conditioning is still there subconsciously telling me I should be stoking up on the rice and potatoes, so your words will help to bolster my resolve.
Rrds. John in Switzerland
Support Staff 4 Posted by Ken on 26 Nov, 2013 07:59 PM
Thanks Dr. Ron - As a test I have been upping my intake of olive & MCT oil for the last month or so and can say with certainty now that it does make sitting more comfortable :-) Have gained a little weight but that's okay.
Support Staff 5 Posted by Dr. Rosedale on 26 Nov, 2013 08:33 PM
That is great news Ken!
Support Staff 6 Posted by Ken on 27 Nov, 2013 02:13 AM
PS extra comment
John Martin - subcutaneous fat question
John asked a question in which I had been wondering about, glad that he did. It encouraged me to continue my testing of upping my good fat intake. Since I have done this I have gained some much needed padding “back” to the buttocks area, which does make it more comfortable in sitting. Although I have gain some weight back it is okay – my waist line is pretty much the same. At one point I had dropped down to 138 lbs.
I am still experimenting with the amount of good fat intake – I assume it would be different for each individual so it would be difficult to say what an amount would be the best. If you would like to test for yourself you may start with 1 to 3 teaspoons of olive or MCT oil per meal as I have – try not to rush, give your body time to adjust.
I had never went through the hunger as I read of others had been in their first 3 weeks or so. Well, it wasn't until over a year after I began Dr. Ron's plan that I had mine, which was just before John asked about subcutaneous fat – apparently this was what my body was telling me that I needed to do and so far it has been going well.
Dr. Ron's answer shed some light and serves as an incentive to continue my journey in seeking a healthier life – new stuff to still learn as my body continues to go through more refurbishing.
For me this is exciting and I continue to look forward to new discoveries on this journey.
Ken Smith, Farmington, Mo. USA