How many nuts?
I know that there are no limits on the volume nuts consumed .
So, is 140gm of almonds, 75 grams of walnuts and 15 grams of Brazil nuts per day OK?
Just like to confirm.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Ken on 01 Jun, 2017 08:59 PM
Hi Fhutt
There is a limit on nuts, you have to take into consideration the protein that nuts contain and this protein must be counted along with other protein that you may be consuming.
Too much protein can cause problems.
2 Posted by fhutt on 01 Jun, 2017 10:05 PM
Thank you Ken.
Yes, I have been counting the protein.
I use the amount of protein in the nuts taken from package labels per 100gm as follows:
Almonds - 19.5gm
Walnuts - 15.1gm
Brazil nuts - 14.4gm
These then total 40.8 grams of protein. I account for these by having an egg a little cottage cheese and total for the day about 53 grams.
My ideal weight I think would be about 72 kg as I remember in my youth.
This is with about 20% fat.
72 X 0.8 = 57.6kg or lean body mass.
I notice in Dr Rosedale's writing that he would prefer protein at about 0.75 times the lean body mass and even less for a diabetic.. So I think that 53, which is about 92% of the 57.6 is getting closer to the 0.75 and maybe I can reach that in time. I have excluded the protein in the vegetables I have since I saw somewhere that they may not be complete proteins, so they don't count.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Ken on 01 Jun, 2017 10:12 PM
Hi Fhutt
Great to see you are getting things figured out - it takes a little time but the benefits are worth it.
Keep up the great work