Is there a minimum protein requirement?

Bk_metro's Avatar


17 Apr, 2016 04:48 AM

I have 118lbs of lean body mass so my target protein would be 53gms, although I saw a Rosedale talk on the website recently and he said now he recommends .75 x lean body mass in kilos. That puts me at 41gms, which seems so little! What's the lowest I could go in protein without it being too little? I've been doing LCHF for the past 5 months so I'm well adapted to ketosis, but I didn't know until recently I should be having less protein. For the last week I've been hitting 50-60gms so I know I need to get lower, I guess it's a work in progress. I'm a 44 year old woman, I weigh 213lbs and exercise a couple days a week. I'm losing weight slowly but consistently on this plan so I'm not having a problem now.
Thanks for your help

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Ken on 17 Apr, 2016 11:48 AM

    Ken's Avatar


    • How tall are you and how much would you like to weigh?

    • What do you consider LC & HF in grams?

    • This is a great reference tool:   Calculating Protein Amount

    Ken/   Rosedale Support Team

  2. 2 Posted by Ede Fox on 17 Apr, 2016 06:07 PM

    Ede Fox's Avatar

    I'm 5' 7" and I'm aiming for about 150lbs. I eat about 30gms of carbs and 150gms of fat per day.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Ken on 17 Apr, 2016 06:49 PM

    Ken's Avatar


    I am 5' 10" and my weight runs in the 150 lb. range ..

    My carbs are fiber carbs: around 5g to 7g per day sometimes but there are days that I do not have any carbs, just my protein and fat (coconut or MCT oil) I avoid non-fiber carbs as much as possible. Here is something to ponder on - carbs are non-essential

    My protein: I keep a fairly close watch on this, I stay in the 50g to 56g daily range ..

    My Fat: coconut or MCT oil .. I no longer keep within a certain amount, I let my hunger kind of regulate that aspect.

    Ken/   Rosedale Support Team

  4. 4 Posted by Ede Fox on 17 Apr, 2016 10:11 PM

    Ede Fox's Avatar

    Ok thanks!

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Ken on 17 Apr, 2016 10:55 PM

    Ken's Avatar

    You are welcome Ede ..

    • You may need to reduce the amount of fat you are consuming - allow your body to start using the fat you already have stored. This will cause a reduction in weight.

    Ken/   Rosedale Support Team

  6. 6 Posted by sebastian16 on 07 Jun, 2016 01:14 AM

    sebastian16's Avatar

    I have a quick question, Ken, concerning your 50 to 56g of protein.
    You are eating approximately 200+ grams of meat and/or fish and/or eggs ?
    Is that correct ?

  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by Ken on 07 Jun, 2016 01:35 AM

    Ken's Avatar

    Sebastian, that was 50 to 56 grams protein daily total, however, I have now reduced that to around 40 to 42 grams protein daily total - give or take a couple grams.

    That would be 200g + per 7 day week.

    Ken/   Rosedale Support Team

  8. 8 Posted by Ede Fox on 07 Jun, 2016 03:01 AM

    Ede Fox's Avatar

    I don't know why I'm getting these emails, I'm not Sebastian, but now I'm
    curious why you've dropped your protein goals Ken? When I asked you a while
    ago you had a higher goal. I mentioned in that message that I had seen a
    recent talk by Dr. Rosedale where he recommended .75 per kilo of lean body
    mass and wanted to know your thoughts. Have you seen new recommendations
    that encouraged you to make that change?

  9. 9 Posted by sebastian16 on 07 Jun, 2016 05:29 AM

    sebastian16's Avatar

    Hi Ede Fox,

    Probably Ken has his own answer to your question.
    However i would like to offer you this link.

    At about 70% of the way down that page... appears this text:
    Most people, I’ll put on .7 or .75 grams per kilogram of lean body mass.

    But if I’ve got a diabetic, and I really want to reverse their aging, which means reverse their diabetes, because diabetis is a model of aging, I’ll put them down to .5 or .6 grams per kilogram of lean body mass per day.

    However Ken's answer might have nothing to do with those guidelines.

    Best wishes


  10. Support Staff 10 Posted by Ken on 07 Jun, 2016 11:42 AM

    Ken's Avatar


    Sebastian made a comment to your post and I was replying to his comment and since you made the original post and made it open to the public is why you received a response from Sebastian.

    • If you wish not to receive responses from the public I can make your post "Private" and only Rosedale Staff can review any Posts that you make. However, leaving it open can be a great way for all to learn.

    I have lowered my protein as a test, I do not know of any recommendations by Dr. Rosedale to do so. It’s a personal thing. The 50 to 56g of protein mentioned is a ball-park figure. It is impossible for Rosedale Staff to give an exact amount to those that ask, there are too many variables that take place throughout the day for an individual – one may need 15g protein in the morning and just 13g at midday. So one must learn to stay within a happy medium, not too little - not to much.

    Example A person of my size might not fair well at just say 20 to 25g protein a day or 90 to 100g protein a day.

    My Perspective

    Dr. Rosedale has spent many years working with patients when he had his private
    practice and I venture to say that he has treated all different kinds of shapes and sizes of people.

    • After much of this one on one a general pattern develops that one can use to help people without actually seeing them on a one on one basis.

    • For me personally, I do not believe that for me dropping down to 40g to 42g total daily protein will do any harm – I am counting on my body to “pitch a fit” if it is too low.

    • Again, your Post can be made Private by Staff if it is what you desire but if you decide to leave it open to Public you may received more responses. Just respond by make Private or leave open. I am getting ready to go out on another hike this morning and will not be near a computer if you wish to have this Post made Private. If another Staff does not respond I will when I get back from my hike.

    Have a great day ...

    Ken/   Rosedale Support Team

  11. 11 Posted by Ede Fox on 07 Jun, 2016 01:08 PM

    Ede Fox's Avatar

    Thanks Ken for getting back to me. No need to make the post private, I'm
    happy to hear other questions and answers.

    What do you look for when the body is "pitching a fit"? Exhaustion?
    Difficulty completing normal daily activities? I've been aiming for 41gms,
    though truth be told I'm usually in the 50s, the grams add up quick!

  12. 12 Posted by Ede Fox on 07 Jun, 2016 01:09 PM

    Ede Fox's Avatar

    Thanks Sebastian, this is the same info I heard in Dr. Rosedale's talk.
    Very intriguing!

  13. Support Staff 13 Posted by Ken on 07 Jun, 2016 05:33 PM

    Ken's Avatar


    You can do a search on "Protein deficiency symptoms" and get some ideas.

    Perhaps my term "pitching a fit" would be a bit confusing. I am assuming that the body will in some way will nudge you in such a way that a thought would come to mind that more protein is needed.

    Maybe Dr. Rosedale when he has time can give us a pointer or two.

    Ken/   Rosedale Support Team

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