Rosedale diet

margretha.myren's Avatar


26 Sep, 2013 05:48 AM

I an a Norwegian woman who have had the 'low carb, high fat' way of living for three years. Here in Scandinavia we call it the LCHF diet. I cannot see any difference in this diet and The Rosendale diet. Are you familiar to this diet?
The governments in our countries have been very opposed to this way of living - saying you need 50-60% carbohydrates of what you eat, evert day. But people get slimmer, healthier and they can stop using their drugs (especially for diabetes 2) - so the LCHF way of living has become very popular. Just wanted to tell you :-)
Thanks for your informative web-pages and your very interesting interview at the radio show 'what women must know'.

Greetings from
 Margretha Myren

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fiona on 30 Sep, 2013 01:34 AM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Hi Margretha from Norway! Yes, we met with from Sweden! He also treats his patients with LCHF diet. The only difference we can see if that Dr. Ron is MODERATE protein. This is super important. High protein will rise mTOR (rising your risk of cancer). Though the time Dr. Ron and I were in Norway we found that people just did not eat too much of anything. We so enjoying your country, so beautiful. Anyway. So, I would just do what you are doing but then try to keep your protein in check, this is the only thing Dr. Ron has his patients count. So, a simple way work out your protein say a lady at 5 feet 8, with an ideal weight of 130 lbs, 60 kgs. 60kgs - 10% = 54 grams of protein. 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of lean mass. I do the 10% just for a rough idea most women even at an ideal weight have more than 10% body fat. An egg is about 6-7 grams of protein, fish/chicken/meat the size of a deck of cards about 15 grams of protein.

    The lifestyle works. It does not work well for pharmaceutical funded medical industries as they are beholden to their shareholders legally = driven for profits and not health. We are thrilled that Norway is really making an impact on health as a nation, we are all hearing about it!

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Fiona on 30 Sep, 2013 01:34 AM

    Fiona's Avatar

    It is a wonderful question and one many others can learn from, would you mind if I mark it public so others can learn as well? Your email address will always be private.

  3. 3 Posted by margretha.myren on 30 Sep, 2013 05:50 AM

    margretha.myren's Avatar

    Hi again
    Thank you for taking time to answer me.
    No problem with marking my question public.
    I wish you a very good day!

    Regards from Margretha Myren

    Den 30. sep. 2013 kl. 03:35 skrev "Fiona" <[email blocked]<mailto:[email blocked]>>:

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Fiona on 30 Sep, 2013 06:23 AM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Thank you.

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