High Fat
- To get other views, I recently took a survey and asked the below question to some health conscience groups -
What does High Fat mean to you?
Some quotes from the different groups are below ..
Quote by Brad
70%+ of your caloric intake in the form of healthy fats. The number of calories does not change the ratio. How ever many calories you eat, at least 70% of those calories should come from healthy fats.
Quote by Rossana
High fat is your intake of fats, it is 70%+ of your daily calories intake.
Quote by Don
Eating enough good fat sources to supply all of one's energy needs, while eating as close to zero digestible carbohydrates as is practical (recognizing that even vegetables like broccoli contain some digestible carbs). I feel that any attempt to calculate some minimum amount of carbs to consume unnecessarily complicates the issue.
Quote by T
I eat 70% fat of 1200 calories, so whatever your personal calories are set at.
I appreciate the responses I received and believe that the survey question will be helpful for those that are starting out on Dr. Ron's Diet.
Is there a calorie restriction on Dr. Ron's diet?
Is there any restriction on veggies?
Other helpful information
Nutrition Guidelines When you’re hungry, eat, but be mindful of what you’re feeding your cells, as they are actually the ones doing the eating. Avoiding foods that will turn into sugar is a sure-fire way to improve the communication between your internal network of cells, where the root of all health begins.
It is important to eat good-quality fats such as avocados, raw/dry-roasted nuts, olive oil, etc., along with non-starchy vegetables, such as salad greens, kale, cucumbers and broccoli.
Eat adequate amounts of protein for your lean body size (NOT a high amount of protein—we’ll help you calculate how many grams of protein for your lean body size), and minimize your intake of starchy and sugary foods.
Becoming a Fat Burner Okay so we say don't eat those starchy carbohydrates. What is it that you can eat?
The energy source we want our bodies to rely on is fat. Our diet is much higher in fat than most diets prescribed today. Unfortunately, many people have a media ― or medical-induced fear of fat.
This fear is misguided because society currently lumps fat into one dangerous category without looking at fats for their individual properties. While we are working on spreading the word, it is not yet common knowledge that certain fats in the right amount are good for you.
The fat we recommend you eat differs qualitatively from the usual fare of vegetable oils. Those foods usually contain damaging fats. We recommend only what we consider “good” fats.
Remember that fat has always been and always will be essential for life. We need fat to nourish our immune system, nervous system, hormonal system, for skin integrity, to control inflammatory processes and don't forget, to burn for energy.
Some examples of “good” fats include: raw nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pecans, pine and macadamia, olives and olive oil and especially coconut oil and ghee. Fish, cod liver, and flax oil are great to supplement with but should not be used in cooked foods.
Rosedale Dietary Guidelines Please keep in mind that during the first 2‐4 weeks on this program, your body will be in a transition period wherein you will be 'unlearning' how to burn sugar and ‘learning’ how to burn fat. During this time, you may feel a slight drop in energy level and a general ‘slowness’.
Please do not be discouraged, as this is only temporary. Once your body becomes adept at burning your own fat stores, you will have a constant supply of energy always available and your overall health will vastly improve.
Once this transition happens, you'll notice your hunger decrease (as your body will pretty much always be eating) and your energy will skyrocket. The transition period may vary in length between individuals, but EVERYONE gets better, no exceptions.
Taking good vitamin supplements will speed up the transition and lessen the temporary negative strain on your body. It is very important to take magnesium and potassium, as the first few weeks you will be losing fluid.
Ken/ Rosedale Support Team
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