
Richard M's Avatar

Richard M

17 Jan, 2015 11:10 PM

Hello, I am very excited about starting this plan. I am not grossly overweight but I can see that our family would probably benefit from this radical change in our diet. Dr. Rosedale's explanation of how things work makes more sense to me than anything I've ever heard before on this subject. My question is with regard to constipation. All my life I've had problems with this and my current solution is prune juice. Is that considered as bad as a non-fiber carbohydrate or is it permissible because of the fiber? Or... will this diet straighten out my digestive tract to the point that constipation will not be an issue in the future?! :)
Richard M

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Ken on 18 Jan, 2015 03:21 AM

    Ken's Avatar

    Hi Richard

    My personal thoughts, there isn't enough benefits, to out-weigh the harmful effects of the sugar / non-fiber content.

    Prune Juice, even the “unsweetened”, has a tremendous amount of sugar and very little fiber. With the amount of sugar content in 8 ounces is as follows.

    8 ounces unsweetened

    • carbs 43 grams

    • sugar 17 grams

    • fiber 3 grams

    • protein 1 gram


    rule of thumb

    carbs minus fiber equals sugar

    • Therefore the above 43 carbs minus 3 grams of fiber leaves 40 grams of non-fiber carbs or sugars.

    You ask will this diet straighten out my digestive tract to the point that constipation will not be an issue in the future   Magnesium can help with constipation

    While I can not say with certainty, concerning the constipation, I can say that Dr. Ron's Health Plan seeks to balance a persons overall health, which to me includes problems such as constipation.

    If you do not have Dr. Ron's book   I encourage you to purchase it.

    A good read as well Rosedale Rules

    Also read this 1999_Seminar by Dr. Ron “sugar” is mentioned quite a few times - plus it is a great source for referencing - download and keep it in your reference library.


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