Diet difficulties

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14 Nov, 2014 11:33 AM

I have tried the Rosedale Diet three times because I can see the theory and logic behind it. However, each time I try it I feel good for the first 3-4 weeks and my blood pressure goes down. Then I start to get muscle cramps at night which only stop when I start eating some starch again. Also, I get the feeling that I am "overloaded with fat" and long for the taste of non fat foods.
Do you have any thoughts on why? The only explanation I have found is from Blood Group author Dr Peter D'Adamo who says that Type A people need very little fat to function well. They are also vegetarian. Can a vegetarian thrive on the Rosedale diet?
Mike Jones

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Ken on 14 Nov, 2014 03:47 PM

    Ken's Avatar

    Greetings Mike

    Sounds as though your magnesium/potassium intake is less than it should be – are you using the amount that Dr. Ron recommends on either of his plans? The regular & plus plan has recommended amounts of Magnesium/Potassium


    General Info..

    Magnesium/Potassium Discussion

    Magnesium/Potassium Discussion

    Magnesium/Potassium Discussion


    I would access closely the amount of magnesium/potassium that your are taking. On the surface it sure appears that you are deficient in this area.

    You make mention that you, "feel loaded with fat". What is your daily intake of fat.

    At this point in my own journey with the Rosedale Health Plan, I don't see why anyone would not be able function on it, vegetarian or any blood type for that matter.


  2. 2 Posted by Pingo on 17 Nov, 2014 01:51 PM

    Pingo's Avatar

    Muscle kramps are the sign of a magnesium deficiancy. Get a magnesium supplement and the cramps will go away.

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Ken on 18 Nov, 2014 12:44 PM

    Ken's Avatar

    Thanks Pingo,

    Been awhile since I have noticed you on the Help-Line

    Hope things are going well for you.


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