A question about cholesterol

Valentina's Avatar


09 Jul, 2013 12:20 AM

Dear Dr. Rosedale,
I was listening to your video on your website about cholesterol and got confused.
I've been diagnosed with a fatty liver. My liver was enlarged 3 centimeter. And I had constant sharp pain in my abdominal area on a right side.
After long internet search, I found a liver flush. I did flush 4 times every 2 weeks. Enormous amount of gallstones came out. The photo of them from my last flush are attached to this email.
I feel much better, my skin looks better. That pain is almost disappeared. If we need cholesterol in our bodies, am I doing something awfully wrong?
My friend biology professor says that I am killing myself. I don't believe her.
What is your say in this situation?
I hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you very much for your time.
Valentina, NY

  1. 1 Posted by Valentina on 09 Jul, 2013 12:37 AM

    Valentina's Avatar

    This is not an answer. I am very disappointed with you, Doc.

    >Hello Valentina
    >Thank you for your support.  Your messages and concerns are very important, and each message will be read and responded to as soon as we can.  Please search this help site to see if your question has already been answered.  Public verses private questions are answered first as then many other people then can learn from the answer.  This is not a consultation with Dr. Ron, however a paid private consultation (if available) might be an option.  We appreciate your support and any donations towards this free service are greatly appreciated and can be made at our site at http://drrosedale.com.
    >Here is one out of many of our articles that you might find of interest.

    >  - "Type I diabetic, 29 years old active runner" at https://drrosedale.tenderapp.com/kb/diseases/type-i-diabetic-29-years-old-active-runner?anon_token=6f933c709b5f0f305be50afcf97852ed4a3ef3a4

    >We'll send an email to you (at [email blocked]) when we update your support request.
    >Alternatively, you can keep track of this conversation at https://drrosedale.tenderapp.com/discussions/questions/3436-a-question-about-cholesterol?anon_token=6f933c709b5f0f305be50afcf97852ed4a3ef3a4
    >Lots more information at www.drrosedale.com and www.drrosedale.com/blog where you will find a number of Rosedale's published articles.  New books are in the works and will be released in the near future.  If you have a serious medical issue, I advice that you consult your doctor.
    >Together we can help change the world, one healthy person at a time.
    >Wishing you all the very best in health and happiness,
    >Ron Rosedale M.D. and my team at the Rosedale support site.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Fiona on 10 Jul, 2013 03:21 PM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Dear Valentina,
    This is an auto response that you would have gotten seconds after we got your message request. Dr. Rosedale is remote in Russia right now giving health talks. Also he answers a few questions here but it is impossible to answer everyones questions. Your answer was a little curt ;-(. He also gets a copy of all of these emails and picks which ones he will be answering first starting with the public conversations as many people can learn from those, then depending on the time and the question he might then answer just a few other private questions like your, which is marked private.

    Wishing you the best of health.

  3. 3 Posted by Valentina on 10 Jul, 2013 03:29 PM

    Valentina's Avatar

    Thanks Fiona for your reply. I found about Dr Rosedale from Dr.Mercola. I bought his CD about anti-aging. Didn't listen to it yet. That would be very nice of him if he gets back to me about the gallstones. I did my 5th liver flush today. The whole bunch of cholesterol clumps came out again. Am I doing a right thing?
    Please, let the Dr.Rosedale know, if he ever needs any support in Russia and around that region, I will be happy to help. I am Russian myself, living in NY.
    Thanks for your time.
    Best regards.

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Fiona on 10 Jul, 2013 03:35 PM

    Fiona's Avatar

    .. do you want me to make your question public, your email address will always remain private. This will at least get your question in his view faster than being a private question.

  5. 5 Posted by Valentina on 10 Jul, 2013 03:44 PM

    Valentina's Avatar

    sure. Please, do. I was not aware how it worked on your site. I just wanted to hear his opinion.
    But, let me tell you, Fiona. This kind of a cleanse is fantastic. I would never imagine, how bad my liver was clogged up.
    Thanks a lot.

  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Fiona on 10 Jul, 2013 03:46 PM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Ok, just made it public thank you. I cannot wait either to hear Dr. Rosedale's response!

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