Claim: potassium excreted during the Rosedale Diet

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28 Jun, 2013 12:43 PM


Taking into account potassium is accumulated inside the cells, and sodium in the blood, it makes more sense that when insluin goes down and blood pressure as well, the body loses sodium, and not as much potassium. I wonder what is the basis for the potassium loss claim based upon that.
Maybe the body loses little potassium ,but Ron sees supplementation to be valuable anyway.


  1. 1 Posted by Rimon on 25 Jul, 2013 03:47 PM

    Rimon's Avatar


  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Ken on 26 Jul, 2013 07:54 PM

    Ken's Avatar

    Hi Rimon,

    Perhaps Dr. Ron will be able to chime in later, in the mean time here is My 2 cents

    I strive to stay within 3.5g and 4.5g (3,500mg to 4,500mg) of potassium daily. This includes what I eat and potassium supplements.

    For me, in using Dr. Ron's plan, I have what I call a general diuresis. There is a loss in potassium, even though it may not be as much as sodium.

    Several times over the past year Fiona has referenced this site for nutrition data info that I use, especially when I would like to get a general idea of the nutritional valve in foods that I eat.

    I use Dr. Ron's, “A List” recommendations and have adapted my own eating plan from that list.

    At one point I was getting severe leg cramps at night & by mid-day you cold see the fluid retention in my legs and ankles but went down during the night.

    I understood that Dr. Ron nor Fiona could give any medical advice without seeing me personally so I took it upon myself to do some research. In trying to understand more deeply what Dr. Ron covers in his book and some of his articles, plus some articles like the following:




    I came to realize that I was not getting enough potassium (from food) on a consistent daily basis. I use the Supplement Plus recommendations but became a bit concerned about the potassium intake therefore I backed off on Dr. Ron's potassium recommendations.

    After taking a better look at the RDA of potassium articles above and more, which pretty said the same thing and
    using the nutrition data info and keeping within 3,500mg & 4,500mg range of daily potassium and things have gotten better.

    There are guidelines in Dr. Ron's book and his articles that one can mentally hash out and I am beginning to understand more than I did a year ago. I believe Dr. Ron & Staff would love to answer any and every question that is asked here but I know that this is impossible.

    This has been my journey while using Dr. Ron's Health Plan, and have no regrets while doing so. I am finding that Dr. Ron's plan is adaptable and an individual can work out their own diet plan. (ie) One person may not like what I eat on a daily basis, however, there is room to explore and use your own list but still stay within the guidelines that Dr. Ron has given. My lab results have shown that I am going in the right direction.

    In essence, what I am trying to get across is that, while I can not explain in scientific terms the potassium that is needed. However, through my own personal experience I realize that potassium supplementation is warranted. I haven't thrown caution out the window but I do not want to be stymied by the prevailing winds of thought that are out there.

    To-date Dr. Ron's plan has worked for me and I will continue with the guidelines he has given. Me experimenting with backing off the potassium supplementation only enforces my confidence in Dr. Ron's work.

    Even though I look at this with a lay-persons view and personally I do not need to know every detail of how all this fits and works together before giving it a try.

    Looking forward to reading Dr. Ron's new research and using the supplements he has been working on.


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