Rosedale, fertility and miscarriage

Marcella's Avatar


01 Jun, 2013 09:18 PM

I have had 3 miscarriages over the last year. I was hoping to start back on Rosedale to help lower my insulin and BG which are moderately elevated. But I've been listening to some podcasts and reading up on the diet and am questioning if Rosedale is ok for someone who is struggling to ttc and maintain a healthy pregnancy. (Struggling to ttc because despite the 3 pregnancies there was also 8 mo of ttc before conceiving and miscarrying again.) I really want the health benefits of Rosedale. But I don't want to lower my leptin in such a way as to make it harder for me to conceive or carry to term.

I'm 36 yo. So while getting older I'm certainly not so terribly old for ttc. I had children in my 20's with no issues ttc or miscarriages. If Rosedale is not ideal for a body trying to procreate then what modications would someone make to Rosedale so it doesn't negatively impact reproduction? I saw another post where a suggestion was made to take leptin to conceive if one's leptin was too low. Personally I don't find that a very reasonable suggestion. I want to be healthy enough to conceive so I don't need to supplement something my lifestyle has reduced too much. How do I reconcile Rosedale and TTC? Thanks!

  1. 1 Posted by tammy.goldsmith on 11 Aug, 2013 06:52 AM

    tammy.goldsmith's Avatar

    I am also TTC and am considering starting the Rosedale diet precisely to assist. I have not been diagnosed with fertility issues and have a 2 year old conceived naturally and easily. Am 42 and have put on weight since his birth. I have hypothesised that my hormones have changed since pregnancy and I am particularly sensitive to sugars and carbs. Nothing I do is impacting my weightless, even low cal protein shakes make no difference. So am hoping that by treating the insulin response if my body I am also balancing all hormones .....

    I didn't realise that leptin reduction may make it hard to conceive. Would also like to hear answer to that.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Fiona on 20 Aug, 2013 09:55 PM

    Fiona's Avatar

    When they talk about low leptin causing issues with fertility they are talking about the high power athletes that we super lean, so lean their periods have stopped as a results of their body, hormones, body composition! For these ladies they give them leptin to help kick start their periods again, to enable them to get pregnant. If you are still having periods then this is not your issue.

  3. 3 Posted by tammy.goldsmith on 21 Aug, 2013 12:38 AM

    tammy.goldsmith's Avatar

    Hi Fiona,

    Thank you for your response. Really appreciate you taking the time. What you guys do is fascinating, and though I don't have a medical or scientific background am finding the information and science behind it really compelling.

    Am reading other posts, not of personal interest to my circumstances, but really interesting anyway.

    Keep up the good work.

    Kind regards,


  4. 4 Posted by tammy.goldsmith on 21 Aug, 2013 06:23 AM

    tammy.goldsmith's Avatar

    > Hi there
    > I noticed my last response was posted online, which us fine, however could you please remove my phone number and last name as it is a public forum.
    > Many thanks

  5. Support Staff 5 Posted by Fiona on 21 Aug, 2013 09:38 AM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Hi Tammy,

    Took out your number ;-) Yes Marcella started the public thread so any comments on to her thread are all public. Private questions can also be posted as well, but it is so productive when more people can learn when shared. It is amazing reading many other posts, and you will find yourself somewhere where you can help someone with an answer they need. Thank you for your support, it is together that we make a difference.

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