Dr. Jason Kolojdski

Kristy Maniscalco's Avatar

Kristy Maniscalco

11 Nov, 2010 01:05 AM

Hello Dr. Rosedale,

I am a patient of Dr. Kolodjski's in Houston Texas and I just wanted to drop
a note to let you know I am so blessed by your book. I started seeing Dr.
Jason 2 years ago mostly because of health issues. I felt just plain awful!
 I weighed 205 pounds and had a host of issues. The first thing I wanted to
do was get healthy, and the second thing was lose weight! Well, I have
achieved both. I lost 70 pounds within about 10 months and recently have
lost a few more pounds. I know there is a lot of hype in the "diet" world,
but every day people tell me they can't cut the carbs. All I can tell them
is that they don't hurt bad enough then!

Recently, I was in Dr. Jason's office and he mentioned he spoke with you on
the phone and said there might be a possibility you would come to Houston
for a visit. I would like to say that I would have a host of people that
would love to hear you speak, should you decide to come. As a matter of
fact, I have an office with a nice sized conference room that will seat just
over 100 people that you are more than welcome to use. In today's world,
it's become the thing to get a gastro band and it shouldn't be this way.
 Your plan is not hard, but breaking old habits are. I've maintained my
weight loss and because of your teachings (and Dr. Jasons!) I will continue
my good health and not turn back. I would love nothing more than to support
your coming to Houston.



  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Fiona on 11 Nov, 2010 10:42 AM

    Fiona's Avatar

    Dear Kristy Maniscalco,

    So great to hear your news ;-) Fantastic job and losing the extra fat! We hate the word diet as well, as it really is a way of life. 'Getting healthy' being your first and formost goal means your were on the right track from the start. We love hearing about peoples journeys and successes with the Rosedale lifestyle and together we all can make such a difference for many more.

    We enjoyed very much talking with the Kolodjski's and look forward to coming to Texas next year. We had hoped it would be January, but our travels got delayed and so it will be more towards the end of February, beginning of March. Thank you for your offer of your conference room, that is so very kind and very much appreciated. When we have the final date set we will for sure reach out to you and the Kolodjski's to get organized and your help would be received with much gratitude.

    Excited to share that Dr Ron will be launching his supplements again. His patients for years have been requesting them as his formulations were impossible to find anywhere without taking 15 different bottles and then still the quality was never matched. They are totally revised from before with many added ingredients, we have not seen anything like it on the market yet, I cannot wait!

    We look forward to seeing you soon.

    Health and Happiness,

    The Rosedale Team.

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