tag:drrosedale.tenderapp.com,2010-09-16:/discussions/problems/41-completely-confused-about-protein-requirements-book-formulaDr Rosedale: Discussion 2015-01-25T02:39:25Ztag:drrosedale.tenderapp.com,2010-09-16:Comment/109766562011-10-30T17:54:48Z2011-10-30T17:54:48Zprotein requirements - book formula<div><p>That is way too high. What is your ideal weight? Some go back to
their high school days, but a weight when you were lien and trim.
My guess you will be around 45 grams or so.</p></div>Fiona Westbytag:drrosedale.tenderapp.com,2010-09-16:Comment/109766562011-10-30T23:09:06Z2011-10-30T23:09:06Zprotein requirements - book formula<div><p>thanks, fiona - i really appreciate your wise feedback!!<br>
i had a feeling it was too high. i suppose what the book meant to
say is, half of your goal weight, not half of your current weight
(unless your current weight actually is your goal weight!)<br>
My goal weight at the moment is 130. That may change but I think it
would be a good weight for me at the moment. So... 65 grams a day?
Or I could just aim for about 50. I don't eat meat so I'll just
count whatever protein is in fish, nuts, the high protein
tortillas, etc. Tell me what sounds right to you. Should I aim for
65 now, 50 later?</p></div>willow